A takeaway about Scrooge and you

Larry McMurtry gave us a profound reminder:  “...the motions we make to keep ourselves afloat are precisely what give shape and meaning to our lives.  Even to ‘tread water,’ then, is also to be supported by vast depths.” 

Here’s an interpretation: Even on your worst days, your best self is still there, always. 

And I say your best self is your true self. Other versions are scams, lies, frauds.

It’s your inner creator vs. inner underminer. It’s True You vs. Scrooge You. 

Yes, our thoughts, emotions and actions can get hijacked, taken over in ways that seem compelling in the moment, but risk our best interests, and endanger our well being.  

When that happens, those capacities are working against you. Wait a second, against “who”? Do you get it? The capacities aren’t you. They can help you or hinder you. But they’re not you. 

The true “you” is to you at your best -- as a person, leader, friend, and loved one. 

Unsettling events, or people behaving badly, or our own self-subverting impulses, distract us from that deeper truth. But the true-you truth is always there, undeceived, imperturbable, calmly ready for you to remember.

All your best experiences, motives, intentions, your most useful thoughts, your potential to channel your emotions for positive purposes, the influence of the best people in your life, your ability to grow, your core values, your spiritual source. All there, always. 

No need to pretend, or fake anything. Or worse, to believe the life-depleting lies your own mind sometimes tells, steering you away from using your best qualities & capabilities, on your way to becoming the person and leader you want to become.  

At times your brain forgets what’s best for you, but your soul knows better. 

I think that’s what McMurtry’s getting at. You are supported by vast depths. 

Whatever good that’s been given to you, that you’ve cultivated so far, with some courage and resilience, and all the potential in your soul’s gifts for you and others -- we can temporarily lose touch with them, but they never abandon us

So make them easier to remember & access when Scrooge You sidetracks True You. 

How? Make a list of all those “You at your best” qualities, attributes, skills & capabilities, and keep adding to it. Be more self-aware of your best self. Embrace it, build it, use it.  

Also, collect "You at your best" stories. Write notes about times and places you showed up in ways you can be proud of, examples when you put yourself in play in a good way for good reasons. Build your “best self” database. 

And get some helpful input & encouragement too! From time to time, ask people who know you: What are your best qualities? Your most helpful behaviors? How do you add value to others? Who are you on your best days? 

Yes, we all have plenty of faults and flaws, and we can work on those. 

But get to know your best self too. Put that you more in play, and the other one can go scrooge itself:) 

Whatever you do, the true you is always there, supported by vast depths. 

That’s the takeaway:  Wherever you go, go vast.

John Ullmen